
「フリーエージェント社会の到来」 著者 ダニエル・ピンク氏

1964 年生まれ。米国ノースウエスタン大学卒業、エール大学ロースクールで法学博士号(J.D.)取得。
米上院議員の経済政策担当補佐官を務めた後、クリントン政権下でロバート・ライシュ労働長官の補佐官兼スピーチライター、1995 年から 97 年までゴア副大統領の首席スピーチライター。フリーエージェント宣言後、ファストカンパニー誌やニューヨーク・タイムズ紙、ワシントン・ポスト紙をはじめとするさまざまなメディアにビジネス、経済、社会、テクノロジーに関する記事や論文を執筆。ワシントン D.C.在住。

Welcome to Free Agent Nation.

Free Agent Nation (general)

Legions of people in Japan, as well as elsewhere in the world, are abandoning one of the Industrial Revolution’s most enduring legacies – the “job” – and forging new ways to work. They working for themselves rather than for a large organization, navigating their lives according to their own values and interests rather than the dictates of a boss.

Power is devolving from the organization to the individual. The individual, not the organizaiton, has become the economy’s fundamental unit. Large permanent organizations with fixed rosters of individuals are giving way to small, flexible networks with ever-changing collections of talent.

Free agents have refashioned the old work ethic into a new credo of work composed of four key elements: having freedom, being authentic, putting yourself on the line, and defining success on your own terms.

-ICA (Independent Contractors Association)

ICA is made up entirely of individual contractors including IT engineers, education specialists, business consultants, freelance writers, etc. They are all willing and committed to be independent. However, much of society still clings to old 20th century paradigms. Banks, insurance companies and governments tend to think little of individuals simply because they are not associated with an organization, even though such individuals have the potential to create great value for society.
This situation is not unique to Japan.
ICA wants to improve this situation for individual contractors. I will be supporting ICA and it’s members from Washington DC.

Daniel Pink










翻訳 石川正志氏(IC協会会員)